If Clauses Aufgaben PDF


If Clauses Aufgaben
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  • If Clauses
  • Englisch
  • Anzahl der Besuche 4237


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  • If Clauses

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Ersetze die Klammern durch die passenden Worte.

1. If I (be) you, I (study) hard.

2. We (not go) out if it (rain).

3. She (not eat) so much if she (want) to lose weight.

4. I (watch) TV if I (have) nothing else to do.

5. He (not come) to my birthday party if I (not invite) him.

6. They (not have) a party if it (not be) Saturday.

7. We (not go) to their house if they (not invite) us.

8. I (not play) tennis if I (not feel) well.

9. She (not sing) if she (not be) in the mood.

10. He (not write) a letter if he (not have) anything to say.

Aufgabe 2. :

Ersetze die Klammern durch WILL oder WON’T.

1. If you (study) hard, you (pass) the exam.

2. If she (not study), she (fail).

3. If he (arrive) late, his boss (be) angry.

4. If we (not hurry up), we (miss) the train.

5. If you (eat) so much, you (get) fat.

6. If she (wear) such high heels, she (fall) over.

7. If they (not drive) carefully, they (have) an accident.

8. If it (not stop) raining, we (not be able to) go out.

9. If you (not turn off) the light, you (not save) any electricity.

10. If they (not clean) the windows, they (not be able to) see anything.